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Harrogate Amateur Bowling Association


About Us


Harrogate Amateur Bowling Association governs the game in the district and coordinates bowls development activities on behalf of our 16 member clubs.


We provide a programme of Try Bowls for free taster events to facilitate newcomers to bowling and also provide free coaching to assist new bowlers to develop their game further.


Bowls is a sport for everybody that helps maintain and improve your fitness levels and mental wellbeing. It is a great way to relax, make new friends and feel part of your local community as a member of a local bowling club.


It is a relatively cheap sport club memberships typically around £50 per season. You just need flat shoes most clubs will provide bowls for you to borrow to get you started. You can play socially and the greens are available for members to use anytime there isn't a league game on them. Great value and a great way to spend many a happy hour in the the summer months exercising and socialising.


It can be competitive too and you can play in teams in a league or as an individual in competitions.  For those who want to give themselves more of a competitive challenge. Playing your opponent as part of a team in a competitive match is akin to the Ryder Cup in golf where you are playing both for yourself but also for the team. Every point counts towards the teams result.


There are sixteen clubs across the district with their teams playing in two leagues, an evening league Monday & Tuesday and an over 60’s (Veterans) Friday afternoon league. Teams play each other home and away and in cup games on neutral greens.

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